
Chocolate Snowman Pretzels

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These Chocolate Snowman Pretzels are such a fun and festive winter treat to make. They’re great for all ages and they’e gluten-free.

  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Total Time: 20 mins

Yield: Makes 10 snowmen 1x




  1. Open up bag of pretzel sticks and take out pretzel sticks that are even in size and one for the hat (just look for some that aren’t broken!)
  2. Divide the pretzels into piles of 6 pretzel sticks and 1 for the hat
  3. Dip each of the 6 pretzel sticks into melted chocolate chip then remove and allow excess to drop off into the bowl (I dipped about 80% of the pretzels into the white chocolate – see photos above)
  4. Add to parchment paper-lined baking sheet or cutting board
  5. Add sprinkles to form the eyes, nose and mouth then add to fridge for set for a few minutes
  6. Next dip the bare part of the pretzels into melted chocolate and add back to baking sheet
  7. Dip 1 pretzel stick in chocolate then add to snowman to make the hat
  8. Add sprinkle on top of hat then add to fridge so chocolate hardens and enjoy!


*Store leftovers in fridge for 7-10 days

  • Author: Rachel