Just The Good Chat: Family of 5 Update + Sleep Training

#84: In this episode of Just The Good Stuff we are kicking off our series of Just The Good Chat, where Jordan and I chat about different life updates and answer some of our listeners questions.
Think: even more of what you see on Instagram stories. In this episode we give an update about our experiences as parents of 3 kids ages four and under and our experience sleep training for the third time.
Here are some of the topics discussed in this episode:
Raising three children:
- Tips going from 0 to 1, 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 kids
- What parts of the transition to 3 has been the hardest
- How we knew we wanted to have three children
- How we stay connected and make time for one another
- How to keep each kids schedule without interrupting another
- Bed time with 3 kids and 2 parents
- Regressions when siblings came
- Will Jordan get a vasectomy?
Sleep Training:
- Our sleep training method
- What age to sleep train
- Did we hire anyone to help with the sleep training
- Tips to deal with the crying
- When to transition to a sleepsack
- How to eliminate middle of the night feedings
- Is there an age it’s too late to do sleeptraining?
- Is there an age it’s too early to do sleeptraining?
- Tips on removing the swaddle
Other questions:
- Tips on dealing with a baby who is colic
- Tips on dealing with big toddler feelings
- Limiting portion sizes for kids
- Names we liked but didn’t use for our kids
This episode is sponsored by LMNT!!! Low key freaking out that LMNT is a SPONSOR! I have been using their killer electrolyte hydration packets for forever and they’re a dream partner of mine. I swear by them and they have no sugar, no artificial anything and they have the most delicious flavors. You can get a FREE SAMPLE PACK with *this link* no code needed! http://DrinkLMNT.com/Rachel
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