Okay, let’s talk about something that literally drives me CRAZY – throwing away produce that’s gone bad way too fast! 😭 After years of trial and error (and honestly, wasting way too much money on vegetables that turned to mush), I’ve FINALLY figured out how to store produce to keep it fresh longer.

I’m breaking down ALL my tried-and-true storage tips that will seriously change your produce game. I’ve also made a helpful graphic to keep on your phone or fridge to reference!! Check it out on the bottom of the post.

how to store produce to keep it fresh longer

Let’s Start with Fruits 🍓🍌🍊(because we all know that’s what the kids ask for)

🍓 Berries (my absolute obsession)

You guys, I discovered the BEST hack for keeping berries fresh!!! As soon as you get home, give them a quick bath in water + a splash of white vinegar (trust me on this). Dry them super well, and store them in these fruit storage container. Game. Changer. They last literally twice as long!! Even more info here.

🍎🍐 Apples & Pears

These babies release something called ethylene gas which makes other produce ripen faster. Store them in the crisper drawer, but keep them away from other fruits and veggies! I’m obsessed with these mesh produce bags I found – linking them for you because they’re seriously life-changing! They are also great to take to the store with you and using instead of those little plastic bags.

🍌 Bananas

Okay, this might sound wild, but wrap the stems in plastic wrap! It keeps them from ripening too fast. I recommend getting this banana hook that allows them to hang so you don’t get any of those bruises from the bowl. 

🍑 Stone Fruits (Peaches, Plums, Nectarines)

These juicy favorites need some special attention! Let them ripen on the counter until they’re perfectly soft (the way I check: gentle squeeze with barely any give = ready!). If you need to ripen them quickly put them in a paper bag for a day or so. Once they’re ripe, store them in the fridge to keep them perfect for up to a week. Game changer for summer fruit hauls!

🍊🍋 Citrus

You guys, I used to always refrigerate my citrus right away but guess what? Lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits can hang out on the counter for up to a week! This is my favorite fruit bowl. After that, pop them in the fridge in the crisper drawer – they’ll last for literally weeks this way. I’ve been doing this lately and it’s been amazing for always having fresh citrus ready for my morning lemon water!

how to store produce to keep it fresh longer

Veggie Storage 🥬🍅🌽

🥬 Leafy Greens

Store your lettuce, kale, and spinach with a paper towel in the container to absorb extra moisture. I started doing this last month and haven’t had slimy greens since!! I love these glass storage containers that come in large sizes. Also – don’t wash them until you’re ready to use them (major key!). You can also use the fruit storage containers to ensure they stay out of sitting water.

PS: when you are ready to wash the greens, this is my favorite salad spinner to make it easy!

🥕 Celery & Carrots

Okay you guys, I discovered the BEST way to store celery and it literally changed my life! Cut the celery or carrots into sticks for snacking, store them completely submerged in water in an airtight container in the fridge. Change the water every couple days and they’ll stay crisp forever!

🪴 Herbs (my cooking must-have)

Treat your herbs like flowers! Trim the stems, pop them in a glass with a bit of water, and cover loosely with a silicone bag. They stay fresh FOREVER this way! 

🥔 Root Vegetables

These guys need to breathe! Store potatoes, onions, and garlic in a cool, dark place (NOT the fridge!). But keep them separate – they don’t play nice together! These storage baskets work perfectly for it.

🍅 Tomatoes

PSA: Keep these beauties on the counter (the fruit bowl above works great!) The fridge kills their flavor. Once they’re perfectly ripe, you can pop them in the fridge if you need a few extra days, but try to use them at room temp for the best taste!

🫑🥒 Bell Peppers & Cucumbers

These crispy favorites love the crisper drawer! Store them in a reusable produce bag (obsessed with these for keeping everything fresh!) and they’ll stay crisp for at least a week. Pro tip: don’t wash them until you’re ready to use them – this has been such a game-changer for my meal prep routine!

🌽 Corn

Corn on the cob is everything!!! If you’re not eating it right away (but like, why wouldn’t you?!), keep it in the husk and store it in the fridge. The husk helps keep it fresh and sweet! And whatever you do, don’t shuck it until you’re ready to cook it!

My Top 3 Tips That Changed Everything:

1. Investing in produce storage will save you lots of money down the road 

2. Don’t overcrowd your produce! They need space to breathe

3. Use those crisper drawer settings! There’s actually a reason for those little humidity slides (who knew?!). High humidity for leafy greens, low humidity for fruits.

Produce Storage Favs!

If you try any of these tips of how to store produce to keep it fresh longer, please DM me and let me know how they work for you!! I love hearing from you guys and sharing what works in our kitchens. And if you have any other produce storage hacks, drop them in the comments because you know I’m always looking to learn more!!

Here is a printable / saveable graphic with how to store all the produce to keep on your fridge or on your phone for future reference!

LOVE YA! Happy storing! 💚

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