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Episode 11

Rachel + Liz Moody – The Ins + Outs On Writing a Cookbook, All The Behind-The-Scenes On Just The Good Stuff + More On My Business

#11: In this episode, my dear friend, Liz Moody sat down to interview me on the cookbook writing process.

A preview of what we dive into in today’s episode:

We chat about everything that had to do with creating my first cookbook, Just the Good Stuff, which is officially out in the universe! I share the steps to landing a book deal starting with finding an agent, writing the proposal, finding a publisher that worked for my dream book, and then we dive into the actual recipe creation process. We also talk about how I didn’t have a book title until just before pre-order, what I really wanted to have on the cover (spoiler alert: it isn’t what I originally envisioned), and all the details on the photoshoot for my cookbook. The evolution of my business and where I see it going in the future and expanding my team. Liz has an exciting prediction on where my business will go as well. We also dive into a bit more on why I cook with the ingredients I do, my overall perceptive on food and eating in general.

Just the Good Stuff has officially LAUNCHED. The entire book is gluten-free and there are tons of dairy-free, paleo, plant-based and nut-free recipes.

Thank you so much to the lovely Liz Moody for taking the time to interview me for JTGS. Please follow Liz over @lizmoody, subscribe to her podcast and order her two amazing cookbooks!

For more from me, I’m over on IG @rachLmansfield, tiktok @rachLmansfield and

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I chat with CEOs, founders, wellness experts, cooks, bloggers and other impactful people who love sharing some good stuff. We cover starting a business, healthy and delicious food, hormones, relationships, infertility and much more.

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