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Episode 19

Just The Good Stuff Virtual Book Tour Panel With Melissa Wood, Alex Snodgrass + Monique Volz

#19: Just The Good Stuff Virtual Book Tour Panel With Melissa Wood, Alex Snodgrass + Monique Volz

I had the honor of chatting with 3 inspirational women who I have the pleasure of calling good friends of mine. These conversations were originally going to be at live events throughout the country but during this sensitive time, we will be doing more virtual events like this. During each chat with our panelists, we also have some Q+A with the audience. I wasn’t planning to share the event or record this for my podcast, but I am so happy we did so it can be shared with anyone and everyone. This conversation is truly so special and I cannot wait for you guys to hear!

A preview of what we dive into in today’s episode:

First I chat with Melissa Wood, the creator of the mega successful app and workouts Melissa Wood Health. Melissa and I chatted for a bit in episode 13 on how she got started and in this conversation we touch on the current pandemic and its impact on everyone, the art of “saying no”, what we have learned from being home, the run down on Melissa’s skincare tips and favorite products like this brand and this brand, gua-sha, how we can stay positive, mediation and more.

Next we chat with Alex Snodgrass, the best-selling author of The Defined Dish, who you guys heard from in episode 15. In this episode we dive into how cookbooks have changed our businesses, how we eat and our philosophies on food, whole 30, tips for feeding young kids and families, what inspires us in the kitchen, staying motivated to cook and finding your niche in the wellness space.

We then talk with Monique Volz, the recipe developer and founder of Ambitious Kitchen and Ambitious Home. Monique recently also became a mama, which we chat more about in the episode. We touch on what balance means to us, what adjustments we have made since having babies, being okay with eating for comfort, what ingredients are most underrated in the kitchen, our Trader Joe’s favorites, our favorite kitchen hacks, favorite recipes and more.

For more from me, I’m over on IG @rachLmansfield, tiktok @rachLmansfield and

Get inspired by the ‘Good Stuff’

I chat with CEOs, founders, wellness experts, cooks, bloggers and other impactful people who love sharing some good stuff. We cover starting a business, healthy and delicious food, hormones, relationships, infertility and much more.

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