Welcome to the newest series on the blog that is pretty much a random assortment of the best things I ate all week.

There is a lot that doesn’t make it to Instagram on a daily basis. In fact, I’d say a majority of what I eat/snack on doesn’t make it on there. I used to share everything all day, but tbh cold eggs got old and I try to limit screen time when I eat. And I also eat my meals with Ezra, where I *try* to be off of my phone whenever I can.

I can’t confidently say I will do this series every single week but I am certainly going to try to share as much as I can. I was scrolling through my photos looking for that Whole Foods haul video when I saw how many random snaps of food I ate this week. Some of what I list I may have shared, some no and some things I don’t have photos for because I was too busy enjoying the taste of the food 😉

The run down on some of my favorite eats this week:

  • Breakfast sandwich for lunch: AMEN to all of the breakfast sandwiches I eat pretty much daily. This week’s favorite mash up is pesto, eggs, bacon + two slices sourdough bread (found at grocery store!).
  • Pizza bagels – I shared them last week and have since then made them 3x. They are kick a$$ you guys! I used a large bagel and added some sauce, pesto (on a pesto binge) and some cheese. SO good and you can also use my homemade paleo bagels if you prefer
  • Japanese sweet potato wedges – ‘ellllllo to the best potato ever. I usually make these in fries form as you guys know. But we got real fancy and I made them into wedges.
  • Granola, granola and more granola – I swear this is the best dang granola recipe you could imagine! I am obsessed and just finished the last of it. Already have the ingredients on my list to stock up on again ASAP. I ate a yogurt parfait basically everyday.
  • A random bowl of sautéed kale, quinoa, onions, mushrooms, avocado, feta, hummus, scallops + crackers for a crunch. A random mish-mosh kind of meal but satisfied me and was healthy and delish. I also had this with wild salmon as well.
  • Quesadillas -you guys know these are another go-to that I love. This week’s had eggs, spinach, arugula, + avocado. Full run down is in my cookbook!
  • Crushed up peanut butter cookies from Emmy’s with some Chocolate Peanut Butter Koia. A fancy milk/cereal combo!
  • Toasted bagel with mashed avocado + chicken salad with leftover chicken we roasted.
  • My paleo/vegan chocolate chip brownie cookies except I used this mix instead and cheated a bit. They turned out amazing.
  • Pizza!! Every Friday we pretty much have pizza. We mostly order in or I use this mix or a frozen pizza. Lately I love mixing pesto, marinara + veggies with avocado and cheese! (serious pizza vibes this week!)

Obviously this isn’t everything but the highlights/faves. If you guys want to see more of these posts, let me know on my Instagram post or in the comments here!

I also share some unfiltered kind of photos of what I ate on my Instagram!